This is the interesting Etsy shop of a very talented artist ! This is her profile ; " I have always drawn ever since I was little . There were six of us girls and doing art got me noticed. So I did more and more. It was obvious to me that I would go to the Phila. College of Art ( now U of the Arts ) . I got in and got my BFA in Art Ed. I always loved the idea of teaching and I have done that for most of my life. Now I am concentrating on what I like to work on and it is the best time I could ever imagine. I get inspired by everyday things, fantasy, patterns, nature. Almost anything. I especially like doing portraits. I need to do more. My work is now such an essential part of my day I would be lost without it. Each piece of art work for sale in my shop is original. Nothing is exactly like the next. I do not scan or send my cards to a professional printer. They are done by me. Since every piece is painted or cut or glued by hand, you will notice the fingerprint of the artist in the work. Not an actual fingerprint, but you will be able to tell that a person did the work, not a machine. That is what I mean by fingerprint. " To visit Six Sisters , go to http://sixsisters.etsy.com or click on the link in the title of this article . I am sure you will find it as interesting as I do !